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Things to Do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant

Discovering that you're pregnant can be an overwhelming experience, stirring a range of emotions from excitement to anxiety. The journey of pregnancy involves significant physical and emotional changes, and it's essential to navigate this period with adequate information and support. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the crucial steps to things to do when you find out you are pregnant, ensuring a healthy start for both you and your baby.

Sharing the News and Seeking Support

The moment you see that positive result on your pregnancy test, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions may flood your mind. The first step is to take a deep breath and gather your thoughts. Whether you want to share the news immediately or keep it to yourself for a while is entirely up to you—there are no rules.

Tell Someone (If You Want To)

If you feel the urge to share the news, confide in a trusted person—be it your partner, a family member, or a friend. Sharing your feelings can be a cathartic experience, helping you process the mix of emotions that come with the news.

Choosing a Healthcare Professional


Selecting the right healthcare professional is crucial for a healthy pregnancy. Whether you already have a preferred doctor or midwife or need recommendations, finding a healthcare professional you trust is essential. Planned Parenthood and other organizations offer affordable access to healthcare, including prenatal care.

Schedule Your First Prenatal Appointment

Early prenatal care is vital for a healthy pregnancy. Schedule your first prenatal appointment promptly, where your healthcare provider will confirm the pregnancy, conduct necessary tests, and provide valuable information about what to expect during pregnancy.

Essential Steps for a Healthy Pregnancy

To ensure a healthy pregnancy, there are key steps you should take, including starting prenatal vitamins, discussing medications with your doctor, and planning for work adjustments.

Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins


Prenatal vitamins play a crucial role in providing essential nutrients for your baby's development. Learn about the necessary components in prenatal vitamins, such as folic acid, calcium, and other vital nutrients.

Discuss Medications with Your Doctor


Inform your healthcare professional about any medications or supplements you're taking, as not all are safe during pregnancy. Your doctor can help you create a plan for tapering medications that may pose risks.

Make a Work Plan

Consider your work situation and plan for doctor's appointments and potential complications. Understand your state and employer's maternity policies and explore options for maternity leave.

Lifestyle Adjustments for a Healthy Pregnancy

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy is crucial. This section covers important aspects such as avoiding alcohol and substance use, managing caffeine intake, and focusing on nutrition.

Cut Out Alcohol and Substance Use


Learn about the risks associated with alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use during pregnancy. Understand the importance of avoiding these substances to ensure the well-being of your developing baby.

Decrease Your Caffeine Intake

Moderating caffeine intake is advised during pregnancy. Explore recommended limits and be mindful of caffeine sources beyond coffee, including tea and chocolate.

Brush Up on Your Nutrition

A well-balanced diet is vital for a healthy pregnancy. Discover the essential nutrients and foods to include in your diet, as well as those to avoid for the well-being of you and your baby.

Coping with Pregnancy Symptoms

The first trimester may bring about morning sickness and other symptoms. This section provides practical tips for managing these challenges and being aware of signs that may require medical attention.

Get Ready for Morning Sickness


Understand that morning sickness can occur at any time of day. Stock up on supplies like anti-nausea bands, crackers, and teas to help manage this common pregnancy symptom.

Be Aware of Signs of an Early Miscarriage

While it's not pleasant to think about, being aware of signs of a potential miscarriage is essential. Learn about symptoms such as bleeding, cramping, and pain that warrant immediate medical attention.

What if I'm Not Sure I Want to be Pregnant?

If you find yourself unsure about continuing the pregnancy, it's crucial to recognize that you have options, and your decision should align with your personal beliefs, circumstances, and well-being. In this section, we'll explore the available options, provide guidance on understanding the associated aspects, and emphasize the importance of seeking support during this challenging time.

Option 1: Continuing the Pregnancy

If you are contemplating parenthood but feel uncertain, take the time to explore your emotions and assess your readiness for the responsibilities that come with raising a child. Consider discussing your feelings with your partner, family, or close friends. Seeking counseling or attending support groups can also provide valuable insights and emotional support as you navigate this decision.

Option 2: Adoption

Adoption is a choice that allows you to give your child the opportunity for a life with a family who is ready and willing to provide love and care. It's essential to understand the different types of adoption, such as open adoption, semi-open adoption, and closed adoption, each with varying degrees of contact between birth parents and adoptive families. Researching reputable adoption agencies and consulting with adoption professionals can help you make an informed decision.

Key Steps in Considering Adoption:

  1. Understand the Laws in Your Area

  • Adoption laws vary by location, so it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the legal requirements and processes in your jurisdiction.

  1. Explore Adoption Costs

  • Adoption expenses can vary widely. Research the costs associated with the adoption process and consider financial aspects when making your decision.

  1. Find a Reputable Adoption Provider

  • Seek recommendations for reputable adoption agencies or professionals. Ensure that the chosen agency provides comprehensive support throughout the adoption journey.

  1. Evaluate the Clinic or Agency

  • When visiting an adoption agency, assess the professionalism of the staff and the services they offer. Ensure they prioritize the well-being of birth parents and adoptive families.

  1. Establish a Support System

  • Going through the adoption process can be emotionally challenging. Having a strong support system, including counseling services and support groups, can help you navigate the journey.

Seeking Support:

Regardless of the option you are considering—whether it's continuing the pregnancy or adoption —having a support system is invaluable. Share your thoughts and feelings with those you trust, and consider seeking professional guidance from therapists, counselors, or support groups.


Embarking on the journey of pregnancy comes with a multitude of emotions and responsibilities. By taking proactive steps and seeking the support of healthcare professionals and loved ones, you pave the way for a healthy and well-informed pregnancy. Remember, each pregnancy is unique, and your decisions should align with your comfort and well-being. As you navigate the next 40 weeks, embrace the changes and uncertainties with the knowledge that you have the tools to make informed choices for yourself and your baby.


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